Motivated Mom

5 Tips for Road Trips with Littles

5 Tips for Road Trips with Littles

On Sunday we just got back from our first long weekend away with the kiddos. We drove from NY to PA and spent Thursday through Sunday relaxing and spending some time away from real life.  We all had a blast especially Tyler. The trip went really well and aside from one very minor snafu, it was a nice break.  The following are a few tips we have from the experience.  

Does Your Schedule Run Your Life?

Does Your Schedule Run Your Life?

Do you ever feel like your schedule is running your life? The other weekend was kind of like that. On Saturday we had an inspection at my house at 9 am, T had dance class at 10, I had to go to the store to pick up something for my brother's pot luck engagement party later that day, a house showing at 2pm, and then the engagement party at 4pm.  After the engagement party my husband also had a cast party for a show he was in while I stayed home with the kids.  The next day my son had picture day at the dance school at 11:30, and then I had to pick up my in laws, and then my daughter's cake, and be back home for Hailey's birthday party at 2pm.

Everything You Need to Manage Your Papers

Everything You Need to Manage Your Papers

In this day and age, there is no reason that we should ever have to sacrifice form for function.  With so many products available to us, finding a product that fits our needs and fits our decor is totally possible.  In regards to paper organization, gone are the days of the metal filing cabinet and ugly manila file folders.

Small Habits to Keep Your Motivation

Small Habits to Keep Your Motivation

We all have those days. You know, the ones where you are running on coffee and fumes. Every sound your child makes sounds like nails on a chalk board. All you want to do is go back to sleep, but the list of things to do: contact the cable company, prepare a report, contact the doctor's office, get a gift for so and so, .... its never ending.

How to Use a Mind Map for Your To Dos

How to Use a Mind Map for Your To Dos

Are you a visual thinker? Do you like using pictures to help you organize your thoughts? I love making to do lists, but list creation doesn't always work for some people.  Often times visual people have a harder time creating successful to do lists.  A great tool to use when creating a to do list around a particular project is mind maps.