
Tips for Getting Toddlers to Eat

Some toddlers are great eaters.  You put food in front of them and they immediately lift their plastic fork and dig in.  Others who were great eaters as babies become the pickiest of eaters in toddlerhood.  My toddler falls into the second category.  In order to ensure that T actually gets some quality food into his belly, the hubs and I have a few tricks we employ.  Here are some things that work best with our toddler and may even work for you.

Pretend It's Your Food

Toddlers always want things that they can't have.  Actually that might go for adults too, but in this case we just care that it works for toddlers. My husband is the best at this game.  If T doesn't show interest in eating his meal, the hubs will say, "Mom, don't let Tyler eat that (insert food item here). It's mine!" T will of course respond, "No it's mine." So with a little back and forth of "I'm going to eat it", "No, I'm going to eat it", it eventually gets eaten, by Tyler.

Have a Race

My toddler likes to win. Maybe yours does too.  In the mornings, sometimes we race to eat our cereal.  By we, I mean that I eat my food at my normal pace and occasionally throw out phrases like "I think I'm going to finish first". T actually likes cereal and would eventually eat his whole serving anyway, but this makes sure that it happens in say 20 minutes instead of like an hour. My son happens to be very careful in his eating, I wouldn't recommend this one if your kid is likely to scarf down his food too quickly.  As I said, I don't increase my speed I just throw out a little taunt if he is becoming distracted.

Only Stock Up On Healthy Snacks

Fact: Toddlers love finger foods and they love snacks. Stock up on a variety of healthy snacks that you can put together to make a meal.  You can stock up on whole grain crackers, veggies, hummus, fruit, nut butters, and tons of other healthy snack items.  Put these together and you have a great lunch for a toddler! It's both healthy and fun to eat.  The key to this one is to only have healthy options.  Then no matter what snack food they pick you can be happy giving it to them.

Make Snacking into a Game

A fun way to get toddlers to try new healthy snacks is to make it into a game.  Recently, T and I headed to Walmart to pick up the Gerber Lil’ Beanies snacks. They have 2 flavors, original and white cheddar broccoli, so it's perfect for the game we wanted to play.  How does this fit with getting toddlers to eat healthy? Gerber Lil’ Beanies is made from the goodness of navy beans to deliver 2 grams of protein (9% Daily Value), 1 gram of fiber, and 10% Daily Value of Vitamin E per serving. Plus it's baked, not made with genetically engineered (GM) ingredients, and is naturally flavored!

What was our game? We decided to be taste testers and we got the whole family involved.  I served the snacks in two bowls and Mom, Dad, and Tyler had to guess which snack was which flavor.  We also each picked our favorite flavor.  Hails was the referee.  She also volunteered one of her headbands as our blindfold. Here are some shots of the action:

And here are the results:

Tyler: prefers original

Mom: prefers original

Dad: prefers original

Hailey: to be determined (once she starts eating real food)

You can try this snack yourself by heading over to Walmart and picking up a container.  You can try one at a time or try our game and see if your toddler can pick out the flavors!  Be sure to register your purchase with iBotta to get 50 cents back! Remember this was one of my favorite money making apps I told you about a while back!

I hope you enjoyed these tips! Tune in Friday when I will be doing my 20 week postpartum update including tips on how to stay motivated to exercise!



Protecting Your Phone from Your Kids

Let me share a little story. When I was pregnant with my son, I purchased my first iPad. I loved it. I loved doing work on it and watching videos. Eventually when T came, I liked to play games with him on it. One day we had been playing the shapes game in T's bedroom before bed. When we were done, I placed the iPad on his dresser. While he was sitting on my lap, he inadvertently kicked the iPad off the dresser and the screen shattered onto the floor.

Luckily the iPad was still under the warrantee. But it taught me to be a lot more careful about my electronics. The next day I went to apple, replaced the iPad and purchased a super heavy duty protective case. It's ugly, and bulky, but my iPad has had a scratch since.

One of the sad truths about parenthood is that we sometimes have to sacrifice form for function.  You can no longer get the cute sparkly but cheap plastic phone case. You need it to be secure in case your toddler knocks it off the table or purposefully chucks it across the room... For a while I was stuck getting lame phone cases. Boring ones, utilitarian ones, while all my childless friends (read: all of my friends at the time) had cute fun ones.

Then one day I was flipping through my Instagram feed and I saw someone talking about there cute but protective phone case. I was intrigued. So I checked them out.

Boutique Me is a place to get personalized and monogrammed phone and electronics cases and so much more. The best part is these cases are from top brands for protective cases including Otterbox, Life Proof and Case Mate. I purchased my case in the beginning of March and it has been dropped several times since then with no damage to the phone. The case is holding up well even though I am constantly just tossing it in my purse. Check it out!

I chose to have a picture from T's 3rd birthday on my case. You are to choose colors patterns, design, and add monograms as well. I will have to get a new case soon though since in this picture Hails is still on the inside....

Aside from electronics cases, boutique me also sells a variety of other monogrammed items including products for the car, office, kitchen, and beach. They're items are perfect as a wedding or housewarming gift. Also good for college students. Know someone starting a new job? Get them a monogrammed business card case.

Because I love them so much and want you to check them out, I contacted the company and was able to get my readers a discount. If you use the code Emily10, you can get 10% off your order!! If you have the new iPhone 7, don't worry, they already have cases for you. If not they probably have a case for you too. If not, you probably need a new phone anyway!

Definitely head over to Boutique Me and check them out!!

Have a great weekend!



Using the Calm Before the Storm

I don't know about you, but I already feel it.  The mad rush that begins in October and doesn't end until the new year.  Halloween is huge in my house. It's my husband's favorite holiday and it has rubbed off on me as well.  October is a crazy month for us fill with events and activities for the season.  There's Apple/Pumpkin Picking, Harvest Fest at the New York Botanical Garden, Boo at the Zoo, The Count's Halloween Spooktacular at Sesame Place, and of course Halloween itself.  We also host a marshmallow roast every year around Halloween.  On top of that, our 5 year wedding anniversary is October 29th.  Are you feeling overwhelmed yet?

Then the holidays start with Thanksgiving and Christmas shopping, holiday lights shows, Christmas parties, visiting Santa, and Christmas itself. Add to that my sister in laws wedding in early November, and Hailey's baptism in December, and the next few months are packed.  And of course there's still grad school and work and family and life.  For these last two weeks of September I will be enjoying the calm.

How I will be Using the Calm

  • Altering costumes: T's Halloween is in so, in the next few weeks I will slowly be taking it in.  The character he wanted to be didn't have a costume in toddler size, so there is a lot to take in... I ordered a plain dress for my costume and once it arrives, I will need to add a few extra touches for my character.  Hailey's costume is ordered and some pieces have arrived.  Luckily, her's doesn't need much work.  As for the hubs, he likes to take his costume into his own hands... Note: I am being purposefully vague here.  I want you to really enjoy the big Halloween costume reveal!

  • Planning our weekends: There are a lot of activities that we want to pack in to a short period of time.  This is especially true in October.  In the next 2 weeks I will be prioritizing the activities we want to do most and try to schedule times to do them.  Since my husband works weekends, this may be difficult.  We may recruit grandma to join us for the more minor activities and make sure the hubs is there for Sesame Place and Pumpkin/Apple Picking.  My husband already took the day off for Halloween; it's that important.

  • Start Holiday Shopping: Holiday shopping starts now.  If we see something that T seems to like in the store, we make a note for his Christmas list.  Hails is a lot easier seeing as how a 4 month old doesn't really make demands regarding toys.  Also, presents for friends and relatives starts now.  If we see something someone would like we just pick it up and save it for the holidays.  This also goes for holiday outfits.  If we see something now, we just pick it up and save it.

  • Plan for Hailey's Baptism: We are not having a huge get-together, but we will have a little reception for family and close friends after Hailey's baptism. So nothing crazy, but there will be invitations, food, and some decor.  Oh, and of course, cake.  Definitely something DIY which I of course will share here!! So, the planning for that will start now!

That's it.  I mean it would be silly if this was a long list.  It wouldn't be calm, it would be just as stressful as the coming months.  These four things however can really help us to enjoy the experiences of the holidays instead of being bogged down by the stresses. I always get my holiday shopping done by the latest, Black Friday.  This way in December I can enjoy the holidays and just have to do some wrapping.  I like to have our October events planned so we are not stressing about fitting everything in, but instead enjoying the events. As far as November, I am lucky to have 5 sister in laws and a wonderful mother in law, so Thanksgiving is never stressful for me. I bring my always requested dessert which you can find here, and maybe a side or two.  Everyone chips in, so it's not so overwhelming.

So, are you enjoying the calm before the holidays?  What are you doing to make the holidays less stressful? Share in the comments and let's help each other out!



What Your Baby Needs for Their First Swim Class

If you have been following along on Facebook, you know that both my kids started their new session of swim classes this week. T was returning and Hails took her first class the day she turned 4 months. It may or may not surprise you to know that there are several things you will need if your baby is starting swim class. Instead of just listing it all out, I decided to make a video to explain what you will need and why. Below the video are links to all of the things I mention.

Here are all the items mentioned in the video:

Hailey's Swim Suit from Love Buns

Captain America Swim Trunks (Similar to Tyler's)

Huggies Swim Diaper

Reusable Swim Diaper from I Love Bub

Swim Cap from Splash About

So what did you think? Did you like the video? Would you like for me to continue to include video every once in a while? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Weekend!!



Language Resources for Babies

Recently I was contacted my Kim Marino, the mama behind For the past 18 years, she has been working doing home based speech and language therapy-with the little ones that just came home from the hospital and are on feeding tubes to school aged children working on cognitive rehabilitation.  Kim has put together various resources for kids and babies to develop their language and cognitive skills.

Kim asked me to try out one of her products, the MY FIRST SOUNDS AND WORDS FLASHCARDS with my little ones.  This is a set of 40 flashcards which target early sounds and words which your baby can say.  As parents, we are always looking for tools to help our children learn and develop.  For me, especially with Hailey's hypothyroidism, we are continually looking for fun ways to develop her brain.  You can read a bit about Hailey's diagnosis here.

The flashcards were sent in a digital file which I printed and laminated.  They include images of everyday items as well as 2 blank ones for you to insert pictures of you and your baby. The images are photo quality and the names are printed below the picture.

At first I was a little skeptical at how much Hails would get out of these based on her age. I mean she just turned 4 months yesterday.  But, I was pleasantly surprised by her reaction.  First off, she loved looking at the pictures on each card.  Then she would giggle at me as I over articulated and emphasized the sound/word on each card.  After a few times playing with these, she is now starting to try to mimic the sounds.  Totally impressive for a 4 month old.

In addition to developing language in my newborn, I also love working on the cards with my 3 year old. With him, he will name the picture or make the sound and we will talk about the letters that we are pronouncing.  He loves to help when showing the cards to Hailey, which makes this a fun learning activity that we can do all together. For example if I pick out the owl card, Tyler will name the animal. Then I ask him what sound the owl makes. Once he responds we will hoo back and forth with Hailey.  Finally I will talk with Tyler about what letter starts the Hoo sound and point it out on the card.

I love that this helps in the learning and development of both my kids even though they are at different stages.  Both kids are entertained and help each other make it a fun activity.  Although Tyler likes to point out to me that Hailey can't talk, he does get pleasantly surprised when she tries to copy our sounds. There is also a bingo game using the same words and images, but we haven't gone too far with that yet.  We have been having far too much fun with the flash cards.

You can go check out the flashcards here.  Feel free to poke around the site and explore the other resources as well.  We give them 2 thumbs up!!



Save Time and Money on Groceries

Grocery shopping is a hassle, especially with kids.  Either they don't want to be there, they don't want to sit in the cart, or they want you to buy things that you don't want.  Or their carrier takes up so much room in the cart, there's hardly any room for food.  No shopping trip highlights this more than when you try to shop in bulk.  How can your child pass by a bulk sized box of cookies?!  On the other hand, there are many great benefits to shopping in bulk.  You can get a better price and you can shop less often.  I have found an app that allows you to get the bulk prices you love without ever leaving the house and no membership fee!  Let me tell you about it.

Boxed Wholesale - Boxed is an app for people who like wholesale prices without the hassle of going to a wholesale store.  Through this app you can purchase non-perishable bulk items that will be delivered right to your door.  Shipping is free on your first order as well as on any order over $50.  Believe me, it's easy to get an order over $50; I have yet to pay shipping. 

 Boxed is great for bulky items like paper towels and toilet paper, as well as cleaning supplies, k-cups for your keurig, cereal, and snack items. I get T his chocolate milk boxes, Annie's Mac and cheese, and Belvita breakfast biscuits.   There are tons of items to shop for on a regular basis as well as seasonal items.  For example right now they have a bunch of back to school items. The prices are comparable to Costco, but no membership fee. 

This app definitely saves you time: you don’t have to drive to a store, shop, wait on line, checkout, load up your car, and drive home; gas: you don’t have to go anywhere - your order comes to you, money: you are getting wholesale prices, and sanity: you avoid the hassle of going to a wholesale store with your kids! There are no membership fees and the delivery is fast. 

The customer service at Boxed is great. I once had an item inadvertently missing from my order. I emailed customer service who got back to me quickly and allowed me to reorder the item for free. The reps were  very nice and accommodating. I also love the hand written notes in each package thanking me for my order. So personal!!

Another great feature is the Boxed rewards program.  For every dollar you spend on an order, you get 1 boxed rewards point. 500 points = $5.00 off an order.  This allows you to get an even better deal!  Boxed is always coming up with new freebies and discounts to add to your order.  With one order I got a free selfie stick with my order and with another order, I got a free flag.  On my latest order I got a free can of juice and a free roll of toilet paper. This free app is available in the Apple Store as well as on Google Play, so whether you're Android or Apple, you can get it.  

Bottom line, it's a free app that allows you to get bulk prices and free shipping on the items you need. There is no reason not to get it!

Click this link to get $15 off your first order of $60 or more on boxed!

Have a great Labor Day Weekend!!



Tips For Dressing Your Breastfeeding Body


In case you didn't know, the only thing more difficult and awkward than dressing a pregnant body, is dressing a postpartum body. Especially if you are breastfeeding. There are just so many things to consider. You are likely not back at your pre-pregnancy size yet. You have to consider fit, whether it's appropriate for where you are going, can you access your boobs for feeding or pumping, etc..  You can no longer just throw something on.

Then you discover nursing clothes and you think you are saved only to discover that many nursing tops are made to serve both through pregnancy and beyond. While this may be economical, in many cases it's not flattering. If you want to discourage people from asking if you are still pregnant, this is not the way to do it.

The following are some tips for dressing that post baby, breastfeeding body.

1. Tank tops and Camisoles: These tops are generally stretchy and can be pulled down allowing you access to your boob out of the neck hole. It's appropriate for summer and, paired with a light cardigan, it can be worn to work. Whilst this doesn't conceal your belly per se, it also doesn't make it look any bigger. Another plus is they are comfortable to wear under a baby carrier.

2. Old Navy Nursing Tops: These can be hit or miss. Old Navy has some inexpensive options, but I definitely recommend going and trying them on. I found a cute tank top which you may have seen in my postpartum update on Friday. You can see it again below. I also found a dress that made me look more pregnant than when I was pregnant. I didn't get that one.... So try things on!!

3. Button Downs: Button down shirts are great while breastfeeding. You may have to go up a size though depending on how much your boobs have grown. I picked up the top below at H & M and I love it for the office. It's cute and I just have to open one or two buttons to feed the peanut.

4. Bearsland: This is a brand that I recently found following my second pregnancy. This is a brand created by a mom who wanted cute breastfeeding tops that also covered the belly that she was still working on. The tops are both comfortable and cute. They cover what they need to cover while still providing easy access. I have purchased several of their tops. You can see one below.  You can find the one I'm wearing here.

Do you have a favorite brand or type of nursing top? I really dislike having to do the whole lift up your shirt thing to feed the baby. I also still want to look cute. And I don't want to have to pump when I'm actually going to be with my daughter. Therefore, I'm always looking for new nursing options. So if you have any good ones, help a mother out. I hope I have returned the favor!

See you Friday!



How to Create Your Morning Routine

Last week we talked about creating an evening routine in order to have a smoother morning. You can read about that and get the free printable here. With school starting in a few weeks, many of us will be changing up our morning routine. This year T will be enrolling in an early learning program for the first time so there will be new things to add to our routine. The following are the steps to follow when transitioning to a new routine.


1. Perform a brain dump of everything that needs to get done in the morning. This should include absolutely everything including what you already do now.

2. Once you see everything listed out, dole out the tasks to who will accomplish them. Maybe mom dresses the baby and dad helps dress the toddler. Maybe mom puts lunch in the bag while dad puts the baby in the car seat. Everyone shock have jobs to do and they should know what they are. This will help mornings run much more smoothly. There will be far less confusion.

3. Put together a schedule. With more things to do in the morning it's good to put together a time table of when things should get done. This way you know if you are on time or not. Everyone should have their own schedule. You don't want to have to look through a bunch of items to figure out what you need to do. Have a toddler who can't read? Use pictures to create his or her morning routine. For example toucan have a picture of toothpaste and a toothbrush followed by a picture of clothes and then a picture of breakfast.

4. At least a week before school, have a trial run of your routine. See if anything needs to be changed or times tweaked. Practice until you think it's just right.

5.  Build an extra few minutes into your routine for the inevitable mishap. Things happen. The baby has a blowout just as you're leaving the house or the toddler spills juice on his school clothes. It's best to have a few minutes built in to accommodate these types of events.

Are you ready for back to school or are you dreading it? I just registered T yesterday and it got very real.  While I'm excited for T to make new friends and have stories to tell of what he did, I still can't believe how fast he's growing up.

In the meantime, we will enjoy whats left of summer.



Evening Routines for a Better Morning

Evening Routines for a Better Morning

With the summer quickly coming to a close and the new school year started in just a few short weeks, routines have been on my mind.  This will be the first year that T will be attending an early childhood program in the morning.  This means that 2 days a week we will have to get him ready and out the door for school.  Our routines have been making a lot of adjustments lately: from one kid to two kids, from maternity leave to back to work.  This will be the last big change for a while, hopefully.

Morning Mom Makeup

OK, so for those of you who don't know me personally, I will tell you, I have spent most of my life wearing little to no makeup.  This is unusual for a dancer who when performing needs a full face.  Let me just say, I am lucky to have wonderful friends who would do my makeup for me.  Growing up I lived with my mom and brother, neither of them wore makeup.  So, I didn't really have anyone at home to show me what to do.  I vividly recall watching a girl in my freshman home room who would do her makeup each morning completely in awe.

Before my 30th birthday, I made a goal for myself to learn how to do a full face of makeup for myself.  In order to ensure I had motivation for this I signed up for a few beauty pageants for which I would do my own makeup.  I think I did a pretty good job if I do say so myself.  I also got 2nd runner up at my 1st national pageant and 1st runner up at my second national pageant, so that kind of backs that up.

The problem is that's all I really learned how to do, a full face of makeup.  While that is great for date night and special occasions, its not something I have the time and energy for in the mornings.  Now that I am a little older and have two little people, I think its high time I put slightly more effort into my face in the morning.  To do this, I went to the same source that I used the first time, YouTube.

There are a ton of amazing makeup tutorial and product review videos on YouTube.  The first time around I watched a ton of videos from some talented YouTubers including Casey Holmes, Kathleen Lights, Ellie Dalton, and a little Pixiewoo.  Definitely check these out if you are in need for some makeup inspiration.

For this however, I needed a quick and easy look that would make me look alive and awake on a daily basis.  I viewed a bunch of videos and I have collected a few here that I liked the best.

Beauty and the Boutique

This first video is makeup artist, Katie, doing a simple makeup look on a soon to be mom, Rebecca.  I liked this video because she breaks down each product and what it does.  She explains why a mom would want it due to lack of sleep or less than lustrous skin, etc.. She includes steps which you can do or leave out if you really are in a rush.  Plus, Katie has a British accent which makes me love hearing her talk.   If you head to her website you can get her top 10 makeup artist secrets.

Coffee with Dani

I love this video because Dani is super real.  She shes the mom of a toddler, so she knows that we only have like 5 minutes to ourselves to get our makeup done.  In the description below the video she lists all the products she used and links on where to find them.  She also lists drugstore alternatives where appropriate.  So, if you like this video, definitely go check it out in YouTube to see her product list.  Lastly, I really love her advice at the end.  Every face is different so what works for one person may not work for another.  Dani advises that you pick out your best and worst feature. Highlight your best and conceal your worst and you will have a quick look that you can walk out the door with.

Whats Up Moms

I love this quick and easy tutorial.  Elle is the mom of two, a 2.5 year old and a 4 month old, so she is definitely feeling the lack of sleep, like me.  This tutorial by Tati, of ( is nice quick, simple and easy.  If you only have a few minutes to actually watch the tutorial on doing your makeup in a few minutes, this is the one to pick.  I love the added bonus of showing you how to take the look into evening with just minor tweaks. Definitely check it out! And go to Tati's own YouTube channel for more makeup looks.

Here's an added bonus: When I was checking out the videos, I let the Whats Up Moms video automatically play the next video.  I found some hilarious adds that poke fun at mom life on the Whats Up Moms channel.  They have commercials for Oscar Mayer, Resolve Carpet Cleaner, Motts and more.  Definitely check them out if you need a good laugh!

I hope these videos are helpful for you, I know they have helped me. You can check out my pic later this week on Facebook to see how I put these tips into practice.  Do you have any quick and easy makeup tips? Please leave them in the comments, since I am always looking for makeup advice!!



Get Your Baby a Snuggin

I was recently contacted by the company that created the Snuggin to review this super cool toy.  They provided me with one of their adorable little Snuggins to test out with Hailey girl.  If you have never heard of a Snuggin, I am here to tell you all about it.  A Snuggin is a cute little elephant unstuffed animal who's practical use goes far beyond what you'd expect.  Perfect for any baby in your life.

The Toy Itself

First off, the Snuggin is an adorable little elephant.  The material is soft and plush and perfect to cuddle with.  I sometimes catch Hails just rubbing her face against it.  The trunk and ears are perfect for little hands to grasp. Hails is also prone to putting her little elephant into a head lock....  Clearly she watches too much WWE with her dad and brother.  The Snuggin comes in blue and grey, so you can pick your preferred color. We chose grey.


This little toy has a variety of uses.  First off, as stated above, its great to cuddle with.  Each of the four legs comes with velcro that can be opened.  You can see what I mean in the picture below.

Snuggin fully opened

Snuggin fully opened

This can be used to attach it to pacifiers or toys.  Now you will always be able to find your baby's pacifier. This is a life saver when crankiness strikes. When teeth start coming in we will be using this for her teether as well. A great feature is that you can attach it to your baby's carrier, car seat, or the straps of her bouncer. No more running after dropped toys because now they are attached to her seat. You can switch out the toys so that your baby is always entertained.

Snuggin attached to rattle and carrier strap

Snuggin attached to rattle and carrier strap

The Snuggin can also serve as a trusted friend to your little one and help with separation anxiety. Lastly, your Snuggin has a handy little Velcro pouch in the back. You can use this to store small toys or an extra pacifier.

Snuggin's handy velcro pouch

Snuggin's handy velcro pouch


The Snuggin also gives me peace of mind especially when attached to Hailey's pacifier. We have all seen the clips to attach a pacifier to your baby's clothiers so that it doesn't fall. They have saved Hailey's pacifier on numerous occasions. When Hails falls asleep however, I sometimes get concerned that the strap might get caught on her neck. Attaching the pacifier to the Snuggin prevents that concern. There are no long straps to be worried about. The Snuggin has been safety tested and approved which makes me happy to give it to Hails to cuddle with.


Because we love the Snuggin so much, we are going to be giving one away to one of you.  It also just so happens to be the one year anniversary of this blog, so it's the perfect time for a giveaway! Just follow the link below for a chance to win a Snuggin of your own. This giveaway will be running for the month of August 2016 so feel free to come back for additional entries.  If you don't have a baby, give it as a gift!

Snuggin Giveaway I really hope that you check out the Snuggin

I really hope that you check out the Snuggin. We have really loved it and I'm sure your little one will love it too!

Happy weekend!!


7 Books for Kids Starting School

It's officially August so the countdown to back to school is on. This fall will be Tyler's first day in a school like environment. He will be in an early childhood program a few days a week. Not only is it his first chance to experience classroom life, but also to make new friends. He is always looking for friends to play with, but since he's home with dad and Hailey during the day he doesn't have too many.  He sometimes makes friends at the playground, but he doesn't really have too many to invite over for playdates.  So we thought it was high time to get him into a classroom.

The following is a collection of books about going to school. They pertain to different situations and different concerns that your child may have. From this list, you are sure to find a book or two to help your little one prepare for school.

1. The Berenstain Bears Go to School: This book by Jan and Stan Berenstain is a classic. I remember reading it when I was going to school. It starts with Brother Bear excited to go back to school and Sister Bear nervous about starting kindergarten. Sister Bear learns about all the fun things to do and learn in school. On the first day Brother Bear is dragging Sister Bear to the bus. By the end of the book Sister Bear loves school and is dragging Brother Bear to the bus.  This whole series of books is great for little ones teaching manners and life lessons.

2. Wow! School!: This book is about Izzy's first day of school. There are very few words but a lot of bright, busy pictures. Kids will enjoy staring at the images to find things they recognize. This is perfect for kids entering preschool to get an idea of all the fun things to expect at school. This is not so much for the emotional aspects of starting school, but a fun way to learn about what goes on there.

3. When You Go To Kindergarten: This book of course is an introduction into kindergarten. It contains updated photos of what it is like to go to school. It also answers many of the questions your little one might have about school. From being away from parents, to what you will learn, to classroom etiquette, this book covers it all. The book is critically acclaimed and sure to put your child's mind at ease.

4. First Day Jitters: Unlike the other books, this book is not necessarily for someone just starting school. Instead, this book handles the situation when you are starting a new school. This is great for after a move, or when your child is transitioning between school levels. The book teaches about adapting to new situations. Your kids will surely get a kick out of the surprise ending!

5. The Kissing Hand: This book is mainly focused on the fear of being away from parents. Those children who have been in daycare may be more comfortable knowing that their parents are going to comeback, but if this is the first time your child will be in a classroom environment they may experience separation anxiety. This book helps your child know that you are always with them and that you will always come back to get them. It follows a raccoon who does not want to go to school. His mom tells him about the kissing hand which allows him to carry her love with him in any situation. It's a beautiful story and you too can have a kissing hand when your child goes to school.

6. I Don't Want To Go To School: This book is about a bunny who decides he does not want to start school the next day. He is nervous so he talks to his parents.  His parents tell him that he will learn new things and make new friends and have fun. He gives it a try and has a great day at school. At the end of the day when his mom comes to pick him up, he has had such a great day that he doesn't want to go home! Children will relate to this book as will the parents.

7. Sam and Gram and the First Day of School: In this book Gram helps Sam get ready for his first day of school. The books takes you through the school day step by step so children know what to expect. It answers questions like what will the teacher be like? When do we eat? What do we do? At the end of the book is a section for parents on identifying and addressing your child's concerns. This helps you understand what your child is feeling when they may not be able to express it very well.

Some other books to check out include: First Grade Jitters, Little School, Chu's First Day of School, and I Love You All The Time. These all help children deal with different aspects of starting school.

Do you have a favorite book about starting school? Share it in the comments!

Come back Friday when I will talk about a cool and useful toy for babies!



How to Cope with Sleep Deprivation 

I will start by saying that sleep is super important. As far as your health goes, assuming you have the choice, it is far better to get enough sleep than workout. Note, it's not that you shouldn't work out, it's that sleep is even more beneficial for your health. This is coming from someone who loves to workout daily.

That said, having a newborn implies sleep deprivation. Add grad school on top of that and a rambunctious 3 year old and there is no way that you are getting a full nights sleep. Today I finally took my final for my last summer class. Considering that spring semester ended the day after Hailey was born and the summer semester started two days later, I haven't had a break from school since January. To say that I have been looking forward to a month off from classes before the fall is an understatement.

No matter what kind of schooling you do or what you major in, there are some classes that are more difficult than others. This last one was intense! Couple that with jam packing the information into a short 6 weeks of classes and well, I'm praying for a B by the skin of my teeth. In order to get even that I used a few tactics to combat my sleep deprivation.

1. Naps:

If you can't sleep at night, try to get a little shut eye during the day. Even a 30 minute power nap can recharge your battery for the rest of the day. Nothing combats sleep deprivation like, well, sleep. I can't get a nap every day, but when I can I try my darnedest to take it. Sometimes I just lay there with my eyes closed without actually  getting to sleep. But even that can help relax and restore.

2. Caffeine:

I'm a breastfeeding  mama so the amount of caffeine I can consume is limited. If your baby becomes jittery or agitated when you consume too much caffeine, it can keep your baby up. This can decrease your sleep even more. Otherwise, caffeine early in the day can help with your exhaustion. Since I sometimes have long drives for work, last time I had a newborn I would have coffee during the drive. Long monotonous drives can make you tired otherwise. I expect I will be doing this again when I start work again this time.

3. Exercise:

If you have to be up anyway, exercise is actually a good way to get energy. This may seem counterintuitive since you would think that you are expending energy. But, exercise can actually help you think more clearly and feel more energized. I like to exercise in the morning, but 5 minutes of increasing your heart rate can definitely give you a boost. Feeling drowsy mid afternoon? Go for a quick walk or jog or just dance to a few songs in your living room. You will definitely feel a lift in energy.

4. Keep busy:

Yesterday, the family took a trip to Sesame Place in Pennsylvania. On a day that I would otherwise be exhausted after days with the kids and studying before they wake up and after they go to bed, I was able to keep up with them because I was busy. The monotony of day after day at home with a newborn can add to our exhaustion. The same can be said for any monotonous routine.  Take the kids to the park or zoo or grandma's house. Anything you do to change up the routine can help with your sleep deprivation.

That said I am looking foward to tomorrow morning when I can wake up and feed the baby and then relax until T gets up. Maybe even do a morning workout again! I can't wait!! As for tonight, I will be going to bed early to reclaim some of my sleep.

How do you combat sleep deprivation?

Happy weekend!!



5 Tips On How to Get Ahead In Math This Summer

5 Tips On How to Get Ahead In Math This Summer

As you may know, I am currently studying for my graduate degree in math, so math skills are very important to me. Math is not only about computation, but also logic and ordered thinking. The following is a guest blog post from Zap Zap Math on helping your kids maintain their math skills over the summer in fun ways. 

Places to Go with the Family This Summer

It's summertime! School is out and the weather is warm. You are just itching to do things with the family. Here is a list of fun places we have gone to or will be going this summer. If you are in the New York area, check them out. If not, there is likely an equivalent in your area.

1. The Zoo:

We've been to the zoo twice so far this year and we will definitely be going several more times. The zoo is one of our favorite places to go as a family. There are so many things to do and animals to see. They also regularly have activities for the family. We love it so much that we have a membership so we don't have to pay for parking, or admission, or the rides each time we go. Membership also provides discounts for food and merchandise. It really makes economical sense if you wish to go more than once a year. I have a whole post about zoo trips which you can find here.

2. The Botanical Garden:

My mom just so happens to work at the NY Botanical Garden. Between volunteering and paid jobs, my mom has been involved there practically my whole life. They have lots of fun activities for the kids and nature to explore. A lot of the time, my son just wants to chase the squirrels and chipmunks and birds. He'll also stop to check out the pond and hear the frogs and smell the flowers. In the Everett Children's Adventure Garden they have nature activities and puppets and books, toys, and plants to explore. We have passes to the botanical garden as well due to my mother's relationship with the location. It a great place to bring the kiddos over the summer. Bring a picnic lunch and enjoy nature.

3. Sesame Place:

We have not been there yet this year, but we will definitely be going this summer. Sesame place is so much fun and my son, at 3 years old, is at the perfect age. They have tons of water rides and chances to meet the Sesame Street characters. When it gets too hot, you can stop into one of the air conditioned shows. They have lots of things to do for small kids unlike many theme parks that have a tiny kids area but are mainly geared for teens and adults. It is small enough that you can do a day trip but big enough to get a weekend out of it too. Busch Gardens in Virginia also has a Sesame Street area which we went to last summer. T really enjoyed that as well.

4. Outdoor Movies:

Outdoor movies are great fun for kids of all ages. In our area several malls have outdoor movie showings. They often show a mix of recent movies and classics. Last year we saw Big Hero 6 at an outdoor screening. We brought folding chairs and snacks and watched the movie out on the lawn.  If you follow me on Facebook, you know that my son is obsessed with the original Willy Wonka movie. In August they will be showing that as an outdoor movie in our area. We will definitely be attending that showing as well as one or 2 others.

5. The Park:

Just heading to a local park is a fun outing over the summer. Some parks have sprinklers that they turn on in the summer for the kiddos. Otherwise you can stick to the classics: swings, slides, and jungle gym. Invite other kids to meet you there as well. We try to bring Tyler to the park regularly  to play with his cousin Bradley. They love to go on the slides and climb the jungle gyms and just run around. It's also a great way to get their energy out. This one is also free, so you can go as often as you like!

6. Local Theme Park:

I love to go to local small theme parks with the family. They have a bunch of cute rides and games. It's also not as overwhelming as some of the major theme parks. In our area, we have Rye Playland which is the perfect size for small kids. They also have dance shows and costumed characters which Tyler loves. On Friday nights they have fireworks throughout the summer. At the same boardwalk they have a beach, Tiki Restaurant, and a children's museum.

7. Children's Museum:

Some days are just too hot to play outdoors. This is the perfect time to head to the local children's museum. They have lots of interactive exhibits and often have special events over the summer. At the Westchester Children's Museum they have lots of interactive exhibits including a music making areas, and tumbling area, and a place for making shadows. The exhibits are made for kids so you don't have to worry so much about kids touching things they aren't supposed to. We took T to the children's museum over 4th of July weekend and he had a blast. We were there until closing and he still didn't want to leave.

8. The Beach:

This is not really my husband and my favorite place. Given the option, we'd much prefer to swim in the pool. I hate sitting in sand and getting it in my shoes and bathing suit.  However, my mother in law has a beach club membership and Tyler loves it. We took Tyler there on July 3rd and he had a ball. He loved building sandcastles, swinging on the tire swing, and playing with the other kids. It was another night where he didn't want to leave.

9. Local Festivals and Fairs:

Take some time and research local fairs and festivals in your area. So far Tyler and Hailey have been to two such events this summer. We went to a local fair with games, food, and small rides in June.  This was T's first time going on a ride by himself. He had a great time and was so proud of himself! Today we went to a Hot Air Balloon Festival in upstateNew York. They had a petting zoo, bounce area, walking into a hot air balloon, a maze, a train ride and much more. This was located at the same farm where we go apple and pumpkin picking in the fall. With each new activity we found, Tyler thought he found the best thing. That is until we moved on to the next thing. If you want to tire your kids out, fairs and festivals are a great way to do it. If it's a good distance away from home, you can tire them out and let them fall asleep in the car on the way back. If you pack food and drinks, it doesn't have to be too expensive either.

10. Renaissance Faire:

This is a staple that we try to get to every summer. There is so much to see and do between the various shows, shops, animals, and activities. This one can get a little expensive especially if you are a sucker for artisan goods. This summer will be Tyler's third time going and Hailey's first. This is one of those places where there is something for everyone, so make it a family affair. Bring the grandparents and the aunts and uncles. Just be aware, it's a lot of walking.

Some other places that we will try to get to include the aquarium, Coney Island, and Central Park. I only have 2 weeks left of leave and then. Few long weekends in August, so we will try to fit everything in. The first 10 are definite though. With 6 out of the 10 already done, I know we will get to all of those.

Do you have any favorite places to go with the kids in the summer? Let me know in the comments!



Getting Work Done With a Newborn 

Having a newborn is exhausting. With round the clock feedings, it's easy to feel like a glorified beverage dispenser. Add a toddler to the mix and you are on duty 24/7. And yet for the most part, I managed to stay active on my blog , complete one graduate level math class and am in the midst of another one. Also, I haven't given up socializing to do it. Hailey, Tyler, and I have attended 2 baptisms, a baby shower, a gender reveal party, a graduation party, and 2 bbqs all in the last month. We also visited the zoo and the park. I'm not magic, I promise. So how do I do it?

First, I prioritize. Family is first. So I make sure that we spend time together and go on outings. We are lucky that my husband is home during the day, so we really get to make use of my time away from work. After that is grad school work, after all I'm paying for that education so I want to do well and learn the material. Third is the blog. While I love blogging and sharing my knowledge and experiences, family and school come first. I work hard to stay consistent, but if something has to give, it's that. I mean how much sense would it make if I prioritized blogging about being a mom over actually being one? And how useful would what I say really be?

Second, I try to get as much sleep as possible. No one likes a cranky and exhausted mommy and a sleepy mommy is inefficient. So as I mentioned in my last post, my husband and I have a schedule of who is on duty at night. While I still have to wake up for the feedings. I am able to pass the baby off to my husband to put her to sleep and I can go straight back to bed for her middle of the night feeding. Then I am on duty for her early morning feeding. I also take a nap every once in a while. Without sleep, us moms get foggy, cranky and scattered. We snap at our loved ones and forget what we need to get done. It's better to have more sleep than more hours to get stuff done. With more sleep, we can use the hours we have better!

Finally, do things while you feed the baby. When you are feeding the baby you are stuck in one place for a good amount of time. Use that time. For me, I often use that time for studying or writing blog posts. Sometimes I use it for social media. Other times I stare wonderingly at my baby girl. But with 8 feedings a day I have plenty of chances to do all of these options. You might like to use that time to read, catch up on tv, or pay bills. Whatever you can do whilst sitting or with one hand is a good option!

Obviously, there is no pressure to get everything done when you have a newborn. To be honest, the house cleaning has been lacking recently. The toys are sometimes left out and the mopping and dish washing has been inconsistent. But, I'd rather have quality time with my family than a pristine house.

I was lucky enough to have a very smooth delivery, so I didn't feel like I needed a great deal of recovery. Therefore, I was comfortable mentally and physically to get back into things. However, everybody and every delivery is different. It's important to not push yourself beyond your abilities. No matter how smooth the delivery, it was still a delivery. Your body underwent a major event and you now have a new baby to care for. It's totally ok to cut yourself some slack. If you do have something you need to get done, use these tips to help you get it done.

Next post we will be talking about a fun Fourth of July craft project. See you then.



Things to do While Breastfeeding 

When you have a newborn and you choose to breastfeed, you can spend much of your day with a small person attached to your boob. With 8-12 feedings a day clocking in at 20-40 minutes each, this is a lot of time spent sedentary. Here's a list of things you can do while breastfeeding to help pass the time.

1. Talk to your baby - Being in such close proximity, this is great time to chat to your little one. As my 3 year old likes to tell me, they can't talk back, but they can definitely hear you and recognize your voice. Talk to you them about your day. Babies are great listeners.

2. Catch up on TV - You are in one spot for like 30 minutes, prefect time to catch up on your favorite sitcom. You can also split a drama between two feedings.

3. Read a book - For those middle of the night feedings, put on a little nightlight and enjoy a good book. It's quiet, won't disturb anyone, and is a great time to read the latest bestseller.

4. Catch up on social media - You only need one hand to operate your phone right. You can use this time to catch up on Facebook and Instagram and all your other favorite social media sites. Share updates of the baby with friends and family.

5. Write a blog post - You can write a post one handed on your phone while breastfeeding. It may not be as efficient as using 2 hands, but it's a productive way to use your time.

6. Have a sandwich - A sandwich is easy to eat with one hand so you can have it while breastfeeding. What a great time to nourish yourself while you nourish your baby.  Just try not to drop crumbs all over the baby.

7. Read a story to your older kids - It may be hard for your older kids to understand that you can't run around with them while you feed the baby. Have story time with them so you get to have quality time with your older kids and the baby gets to hear the story too. Plus older kids love to help turn the pages!!

What have you done while breastfeeding your child? Share in the comments.

Next week we will be talking post-pregnancy body including stretch marks, fitness, sleep, and belly. See you then!



An Exercise in Patience

So today is May 10, 2016.  I was hoping that today's post would be a joy filled birth announcement with pictures of our brand new baby girl.  Well, Hailey has other plans.  Apparently, my womb is so comfortable, she has decided to never leave... Tyler was 3 days past his due date.  Hailey clearly was determined to beat that record.  Now that she has beaten his record, I have no idea what is holding her back.

As any mom knows, the last month of pregnancy is already an exercise in patience.   You are becoming progressively more uncomfortable and you're ready to meet your baby.  Plus there are just so many things that you are missing, like having a lap, sleeping on your front, drinking wine, having a hot dog, having sushi, not being swollen, having a deli sandwich, etc.. The list goes on and on.  During your pregnancy, your due date is like the light at the end of the tunnel.  You think, I just need to make it to that date and then I will have a beautiful baby and things can start getting back to where they belong.

When you exceed your due date, it is hard to see beyond your impatience.  This year, it seems like everyone I have ever met became pregnant.  On top of that, in the course of the last week, 5 people I know delivered their babies. FIVE. One of them on my due date.  Some of them were even early.  For someone who is already impatient, this only adds insult to injury.

In light of my need to relax and just let Hailey come when she is ready, I have put together some tips for practicing patience.

Tips for Practicing Patience

1. Breathe:

Deep breaths have the power to increase your calm and slow down your heart rate.  When you are impatient, you create your own stress and in my case stress can actually delay labor.  Practicing deep breathing can help you reduce your impatience.  This is a great time to take a yoga class or go for a nice swim.  Take a bath or a long shower if you can.  Anything that makes you more relaxed.

2. Distract:

A great way to increase patience is to distract yourself from whatever it is you are waiting for.  If you dwell on whatever it is that is making you impatient, it will only increase your impatience.  Find something to distract yourself like playing with your kids, de-cluttering, grad school homework, anything that will take your mind off of what you are waiting for.  I am supposed to take my last final this week.  So I have studying to distract me.  Of course I also have the concern that she'll finally decide to come when I have to take my test, but my professor has stated that arrangements can be made.

3. Think:

Remind yourself that the thing you are impatient about is beyond your control.  Instead, think about any benefits or positives in the situation.  In my case, I have several positive thoughts to help me through my impatience.  My baby is definitely not a premie, so we don't have to worry about the health issues that can come with that.  We have gotten extra time to finish any last minute preparations for Hailey.  Tyler gets a few extra days being the only child.  I didn't have to spend Mother's Day in the hospital.  The later she comes, the more of the summer I have off on maternity leave.  This very much links back to looking at the silver lining which we talked about last week.

4. Figure Out Plan B

When you are waiting on news or results, its easy to be consumed with the waiting.  Instead take this time to figure out plan B.  What will you do if the answer is what you wanted? What will you do if it is not? In this case, I know that my doctor will not let me go past 42 weeks the latest and every few days I will schedule an appointment to make sure Hailey is OK in there.  Knowing that I will not go beyond May 20th still seems like forever at this point, but at least its a maximum.  Hopefully, Hailey decides to make her exit much earlier.

There are some great resources out there about things you can do to increase your patience including here and here.  However, many of these tips are for developing patience for some future situation.  These four tips are for the here and now.  If you are already in a situation where you are impatient, these tips can help you relax and be more patient.

Fingers crossed that Hailey is here by Friday.  If not, I will definitely be continuing to put these tips into practice.  In the meantime, I am gratefully accepting any prayers and positive thoughts that Hailey will grace us with her presence.



Getting Through One of Those Weeks

Getting Through One of Those Weeks

This week is one of those weeks.  I have 2 graduate level math exams this week.  My son who was doing so well with potty training had a rough week last week.  He was having pain when he peed and then began holding it in which made for numerous accidents.  Finally, we got the test results from the doctor on Sunday that he has a UTI.  Then there's work and family.  My brother is in the hospital again for another amputation.  This time a toe.  Oh and my due date is this Friday.

I don't bring up my big brother a lot on here, but he is a 32 year old diabetic.  He was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes the week I was born and has blamed me for it ever since... For most of his life, he didn't seem to have any major complications, but the last few years tell a different story.  I wouldn't say all of his ailments are caused by the diabetes, but it's definitely a heavy load for someone who won't be 33 til July.  Here's a brief listing of his current conditions: Bell's Palsy, Crohn's disease, fallen arches, kidney failure, legally blind, has had 3 fingers of one hand amputated and part of one finger on the other hand.  He is currently on the transplant list for both a kidney and pancreas.  He recently had a staph infection.  In fact, although he was released from the hospital just in time to attend my baby shower, he was under contact quarantine, meaning no one could touch him.  This was hard to explain to a 3 year old who hadn't been able to visit his uncle for almost a month.

So on getting through a week like this, here are my 2 tips: find the silver lining and let things slide.

Silver Linings

So my brother is in the hospital and my son had to see the doctor to diagnose his UTI.  While unpleasant for both parties, it actually gave them something to bond over.  My son and brother talked about seeing the doctor and about their medicines and how they can't wait to feel better.  Granted T does not understand the vast difference between why my brother sees the doctor and why he does, but he found a camaraderie with their situations.  Seeing him bond with my brother is a silver lining to me.

As far as my grad school tests, the silver lining is if Hailey waits until after the tests to be born, I won't have to be worrying about school when she arrives.  I can concentrate on our new addition and our changing family dynamic.  After this Thursday I will have only one final left next week  and the semester will be over.

Letting Things Slide

Here's the other big tip for getting through a week like this: you have to let some things slide.  I have been spending all of my free time studying (Well almost, I did write this post). On top of getting up at night myself to pee, I have been woken up several time with pee pee emergencies from my son.  So, you know what is sliding, working out.  I mean at 39 weeks pregnant many people would say that that's totally acceptable.  On the other hand, I know for myself that if all this wasn't going on, I'd still be working out all this week.  However, getting a little more sleep and getting my studying done so I do well this semester is worth sacrificing one week of working out.  On the bright side, dance parties with T definitely takes his mind off his pee pee problems so I do get some cardio there! Silver linings to the rescue!!

Another thing that is sliding: laundry.  With all the peeing the bed and the clothes there has been a lot of extra laundry this week.  No extra loads were washed however.  We'll make it up sometime...

For now, I have to get back to studying.  Hopefully, Hailey comes right as scheduled and this crazy week will end with a big bundle of joy just in time for Mother's Day.  If you don't hear from me Friday, you'll know she is making her entrance!

