Birthday Party Planning Made Simple

Birthday Party Planning Made Simple

Tyler's first big boy birthday party is coming up.  He is in preschool this year, so he actually has friends his own age to invite to his party and play games with. In order to make sure this event goes off without a hitch, I created my own party planner.  Let me walk you through it!

Snow Day Sidetrack

Snow Day Sidetrack

Due to my crazy schedule/life, I generally write my blog posts the day before they are published. I have long wanted to have a collection of blog posts at the ready for when life happens, but of course life keeps happening, so it hasn't happened. So when a snow day occurred on my usual writing day, my whole schedule got shot in the foot. In a good way. Like I got to spend quality time with the family.  

Closet Quickies: Quick Tips to Organize Your Closet

Closet Quickies: Quick Tips to Organize Your Closet

Have you ever looked at your overloaded closet and thought "I have nothing to wear"? I would love to overhaul my closet.  I have been putting this off for a while.  A long while.  Usually you go through your closet and look at what you haven't worn in a while and use that to help you determine whether or not you should keep it.  I couldn't really do that for a while.  First I was pregnant, so nothing fit.  Then I had to lose the baby weight so only some things fit.  Now most things fit but I'm breastfeeding.  That means even if they fit, a lot of high neckline shirts aren't being worn.

Conquer Your Paper: Get Rid of the Clutter

Conquer Your Paper: Get Rid of the Clutter

Have you ever felt like you cannot keep up with the influx of paper in your home? Every day more and more paper comes in, but who has time to go through it all.  I though it was bad before, but now with kids, the amount of paper coming in has multiplied.  I have found a system that I use to manage the influx of paper in my house. Now I know what to keep and where it belongs so I don't have piles of paper on my counters, dining room table, side table, and pretty much every surface in my home.

Heart Man Valentine's Day Craft

Heart Man Valentine's Day Craft

The last few nights, T has really been into creating.  The other night he painted a picture of himself with his friend Adele.  He also painted his friend Daniel with his dog.  With Valentine's Day just a few weeks away and with T enjoying being creative the past few evenings, we decided it was a good time to create a Valentine's Day project. This was a quick and easy little craft that we were able to complete in about 30 minutes. That means it fit right into the time between when Hailey goes to sleep and when T gets ready for bed. T had a lot of fun with this project especially with the gluing, as usual. Check out how we made heart man!

Quick Tips To Make Cleaning Go Faster

Quick Tips To Make Cleaning Go Faster

I hate cleaning. Plus sometimes it just feels like a wasted effort when the mess is back an hour later.  And then if that weren't enough to dissuade you, the time it takes can be incredible.  Hours to clean what takes my kids 30 seconds to dirty.  On the other hand, the peace of mind that comes with a clean and organized home is amazing. You can physically feel the difference when you enter a clean room. It also does wonders for your mindset! So, in order to help you get in and out of cleaning mode more quickly, here are some tips to make cleaning go faster.

At Home Free Winter Fitness Sources

At Home Free Winter Fitness Sources

It is winter which means we have little to no desire to leave the house.  Who wants to suffer the cold when you don't have to.  It's the perfect time for at home workouts.  But what if you have exhausted your DVD collection and are bored with the same old workouts? This happens to me every so often.  While I love my favorite trainers (read: Jillian Michaels and Chalene Johnson) sometimes I need to switch it up.  It is at these times that I look to free online workouts to give some variety o my workouts and change things up.  The following are my top 5 resources for free online workouts.

Declutter By Shredding

Declutter By Shredding

Do you ever feel like your home is being taken over by paper? I know I can't be the only one. Between bills, papers from school, instructions, loan documents, deeds, papers from church, calendars, warranty documents, and everything else, our homes are overwhelmed by paper.  Paper keeps flooding in and then staying because when we don't know how long to keep things, we end up saving everything.  We fall behind with filing things and we end up with stacks of paper all around the house.

The Weekly Basket Organization Tactic

The Weekly Basket Organization Tactic

So last week we talked about things you can do quickly to organize your house. I gave you five tasks that take 5 minutes or less, but make a big impact on how organized your house feels. Sadly, not everything can be done that quickly. Some tasks take longer to complete. Here is one tactic that can help you get a handle on the organization of paper and even errands.

Things to do Before 32: Update 3

Things to do Before 32: Update 3

So on April 11 of 2016 I turned 31 and around that time I created a post about the things I'd like to do before my next birthday. This list consisted of a wide range of goals including trips with the family, school goals, and friends goals. You can find that post here.  Back in July I posted my first update at a quarter of the way through the year and in October I posted my progress at the halfway point.  Now here we are closing in on the last 3 months before 32.

Boredom Prevention for Your Kids This Winter

Boredom Prevention for Your Kids This Winter

In case you haven't been over to my social media in a bit, I am currently a contributor of the Westchester County Moms Blog (WCMB).  This is a site for local moms to get information about local events, services, advice, and just bond with other moms.  The site is very new but is growing quickly.  It is a part of a sisterhood of sites across the country.  That means that articles I write for the local site have the possibility of being published on any of the other sites across the nation.  This is super exciting and a great opportunity. An added bonus is that I get to bond and interact with other local mom bloggers.

5 Habits to Make Your Home Organized in 5 Minutes

5 Habits to Make Your Home Organized in 5 Minutes

It's the new year! Let's kick off the year by creating new habits that will help us be more organized throughout the year. These 5 things take 5 minutes or less to do, but the impact they will have on your home will be immense. You will feel more organized and your home will look cleaner with very little effort. Who wouldn't love that?

Your Favorite Posts of 2016

Your Favorite Posts of 2016

As this is my last post of the year, I thought it would be appropriate to do a round up of my most popular posts of the year. Like most of us, I am definitely reflecting on the past year and setting goals for the future. This year I want to improve my site by providing the best posts and products for you, my readers. So today we look at the best of the best of 2016 and Tuesday we kick off 2017 with a bang.

Christmas 2016: A Tale Two Christmases

Christmas 2016: A Tale Two Christmases

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. On Sunday we celebrated Hailey's first Christmas. It was so fun to see the joy on her face eating wrapping paper and playing with her brother. It was the first time we had all 4 cousins together. It was also the day my grandma went to be with her husband in heaven.

Read With Me: 4 Books to Read in the Next Month

Read With Me: 4 Books to Read in the Next Month

So, as you know, I am currently 1 week into my month off from grad school.  Even when I do go back in mid January, I will only be taking 1 class in the coming semester.  The past 4 semesters I have been taking 2 classes.  Therefore, hopefully the work load will be less.  In the meantime, I have decided to take advantage of this reprieve by reading a few books.  These are books that have long been on my must read list, but I just haven't had the time.  I have heard wonderful things about them and I can't wait to dig in! Join me on this reading Journey and let's compare notes!

Goal Setting to Help You Get Organized

Goal Setting to Help You Get Organized

The new year will be starting in just a week and a half which means we are at the time of year where people are reflecting on the past year and making resolutions for the future.  Did you set resolutions last year? How did you do with keeping them? Many times we set a resolution or goal for New Years and we make a big punch to reach it in the month of January and then our efforts slowly fizzle out. Or we write them down on a piece of paper that we never look at again until a year later when its time to set a new set of goals.  Then were run around all year feeling super busy but with no direction and therefore accomplishing far less than we could.

Chocolate Chocolate Chip Christmas Cookies 

Chocolate Chocolate Chip Christmas Cookies 

Every year at Christmastime we make time to bake cookies together. One recipe in particular, I have been making since I was in grammar school. They are the most delicious Chocolate Chocolate Chip cookies ever. Now I won't proclaim to be some fabulous baker, but these really are delicious. What's more, one recipe makes about 5 dozen so you really get good bang for your buck. They are great to package up and give as gifts or to bring to parties. So let me take you though our Sunday of baking!

Paper Plate Christmas Tree Craft

Paper Plate Christmas Tree Craft

In case you haven't noticed by now, my son loves to make crafts involving paper plates. In fact, if he sees me grab a paper plate, he is more likely to think it is craft time than food time.  Therefore, this Christmas' craft project of course involves a paper plate. This project was a lot of fun and includes two of my toddler's favorite things: painting and using stickers. Check it out!