Boredom Prevention for Your Kids This Winter

Boredom Prevention for Your Kids This Winter

In case you haven't been over to my social media in a bit, I am currently a contributor of the Westchester County Moms Blog (WCMB).  This is a site for local moms to get information about local events, services, advice, and just bond with other moms.  The site is very new but is growing quickly.  It is a part of a sisterhood of sites across the country.  That means that articles I write for the local site have the possibility of being published on any of the other sites across the nation.  This is super exciting and a great opportunity. An added bonus is that I get to bond and interact with other local mom bloggers.

5 Habits to Make Your Home Organized in 5 Minutes

5 Habits to Make Your Home Organized in 5 Minutes

It's the new year! Let's kick off the year by creating new habits that will help us be more organized throughout the year. These 5 things take 5 minutes or less to do, but the impact they will have on your home will be immense. You will feel more organized and your home will look cleaner with very little effort. Who wouldn't love that?

Your Favorite Posts of 2016

Your Favorite Posts of 2016

As this is my last post of the year, I thought it would be appropriate to do a round up of my most popular posts of the year. Like most of us, I am definitely reflecting on the past year and setting goals for the future. This year I want to improve my site by providing the best posts and products for you, my readers. So today we look at the best of the best of 2016 and Tuesday we kick off 2017 with a bang.

Christmas 2016: A Tale Two Christmases

Christmas 2016: A Tale Two Christmases

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. On Sunday we celebrated Hailey's first Christmas. It was so fun to see the joy on her face eating wrapping paper and playing with her brother. It was the first time we had all 4 cousins together. It was also the day my grandma went to be with her husband in heaven.

Read With Me: 4 Books to Read in the Next Month

Read With Me: 4 Books to Read in the Next Month

So, as you know, I am currently 1 week into my month off from grad school.  Even when I do go back in mid January, I will only be taking 1 class in the coming semester.  The past 4 semesters I have been taking 2 classes.  Therefore, hopefully the work load will be less.  In the meantime, I have decided to take advantage of this reprieve by reading a few books.  These are books that have long been on my must read list, but I just haven't had the time.  I have heard wonderful things about them and I can't wait to dig in! Join me on this reading Journey and let's compare notes!

Goal Setting to Help You Get Organized

Goal Setting to Help You Get Organized

The new year will be starting in just a week and a half which means we are at the time of year where people are reflecting on the past year and making resolutions for the future.  Did you set resolutions last year? How did you do with keeping them? Many times we set a resolution or goal for New Years and we make a big punch to reach it in the month of January and then our efforts slowly fizzle out. Or we write them down on a piece of paper that we never look at again until a year later when its time to set a new set of goals.  Then were run around all year feeling super busy but with no direction and therefore accomplishing far less than we could.

Chocolate Chocolate Chip Christmas Cookies 

Chocolate Chocolate Chip Christmas Cookies 

Every year at Christmastime we make time to bake cookies together. One recipe in particular, I have been making since I was in grammar school. They are the most delicious Chocolate Chocolate Chip cookies ever. Now I won't proclaim to be some fabulous baker, but these really are delicious. What's more, one recipe makes about 5 dozen so you really get good bang for your buck. They are great to package up and give as gifts or to bring to parties. So let me take you though our Sunday of baking!

Paper Plate Christmas Tree Craft

Paper Plate Christmas Tree Craft

In case you haven't noticed by now, my son loves to make crafts involving paper plates. In fact, if he sees me grab a paper plate, he is more likely to think it is craft time than food time.  Therefore, this Christmas' craft project of course involves a paper plate. This project was a lot of fun and includes two of my toddler's favorite things: painting and using stickers. Check it out!

Staying Fit During the Holidays

Staying Fit During the Holidays

It is that time of year when foods are rich and desserts seem to be available in abundance.  Even those who have a steady fitness routine throughout the year can succumb to the temptation of holiday treats.  It really is hard this time of year with less opportunities to workout outdoors and more sugary treats appearing everywhere we turn.  I've put together a list of tips to help us all stay fit during the holidays.

Holiday Fashion with Lula Roe

Holiday Fashion with Lula Roe

If you have not yet heard of Lula Roe, consider this your wake up call. Leggings and mom life go together like peanut butter and jelly, Abbott and Costello, Batman and Robin. Lula Roe has some of the most comfortable leggings I have ever worn. They are so buttery soft, it's like a second skin! Plus, the designs are so fun and unique. Don't worry,Lula is about way more than leggings! Lula can take you from casual holiday get togethers to fancy holiday parties!

Happy Marriage Tip: Nagging Doesn't Work

Happy Marriage Tip: Nagging Doesn't Work

You may or may not have realized this, but men and women are built differently, and I don't just mean physically. By nature, we are innately wired to think and interpret situations differently. We react differently in a given situation and we prioritize differently. Today, in light of the never ending to do list that comes with the holiday season, I thought we'd discuss how the difference between men and women relates to nagging: i.e. repeatedly bring up what needs to be done and the fact that it hasn't been done yet.

Gift Guide for the Toddler Whose Parents were Born in the 80's

Gift Guide for the Toddler Whose Parents were Born in the 80's

Are you an 80's baby? Did you grow up on Sesame Street before Bert and Ernie were claymation and Elmo took over the world? Did you spend Saturday mornings in your jammies with a bowl of cereal watching Saturday morning cartoons? Remember Pee Wee and Penny?  The Pix 11 movies? TGIF? Care Bears, Fraggles, Rainbow Brite, Thunder Cats? If you can reminisce about any or all of this, you are an 80's baby.  This list is for your kids. So that they can grow up on the classics. Added bonus, you get to relive some of your youth as well!

Personalized Holiday Cards and Invitations 

Personalized Holiday Cards and Invitations 

So the time to send out holiday cards is quickly approaching. Then of course there are holiday party invitations to send out. On top of that, we have Hailey's baptism in a few weeks. So we have been all  about cards recently. I decided to head on over to Tiny Prints to create personalized cards for Hailey's baptism and for Christmas.

Pilgrim Hat Craft and Gratitude Banner

Pilgrim Hat Craft and Gratitude Banner

This week T has been a little under the weather, so we took it as an opportunity to do more sedentary, quiet activities. This week we made two projects: a pilgrim hat and a gratitude banner. These are two easy and fun projects. T is starting to use scissors in school so he was able to help with some of the cutting for these projects.

Keeping Baby Healthy With Gerber

Keeping Baby Healthy With Gerber

As you know, Hailey was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when she was only 6 days old.  While every mom worries about the growth and development of their babies, this condition caused me to be even more on alert.  I made it my mission in incorporate tools for healthy brain development in our everyday life.  This includes breast feeding and iron-fortified Gerber Cereal.

Online Prenatal Classes

Online Prenatal Classes

Today, I wanted to talk about birthing classes.  These classes are a very important part of pregnancy, if not for what to actually do in the birthing room, at least to provide new parents more peace of mind.  Since the hubs and I have opposing work schedules and don't have a lot of time home together, the last thing we wanted to do was to use that time to go to prenatal classes.  On the other hand, we could definitely use a brush up on what to expect and techniques to use, and just newborn information in general.  It had been a while since our 3 year old was a baby.  We decided to take to the internet to find a resource that was informative, but didn't take us out of the house.

5 Years of Marriage: How We Got Here

5 Years of Marriage: How We Got Here

Guess what! Tomorrow my husband and I celebrate 5 wonderful years of marriage.  Yup, 5 years ago today I was anxiously anticipating marrying my soulmate.  So much has changed in the last 5 years, mostly to do with the arrival of our two wonderful kids.  Since we're all friends here, I thought I would share a little story about how me and the hubs got together all those years ago in honor of this momentous occasion.