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Best Exercises to Beat The Mid-Day Slump

Today’s article is a guest post from Brian at Home Gym Strength. There you can find tons of posts on working out, fitness and safe exercising. Today’s article is all about getting through the midday slump.

We’ve all experienced the midday slump. The afternoon rolls around and suddenly you’re just….exhausted. It happens to the best of us. 

But when that slump rolls around, you can handle it a few different ways: give in, fight through, or fight back. While you may be inclined to go with one of the first two options, here’s a look at some ways to conquer that afternoon nap attack. 

Believe it or not, exercise can actually help you get back on track. It may seem strange to do more activity when you’re already feeling tired, but getting your blood pumping can help jump start your body into action. 

Walk it off

It sounds simple, but sometimes simply getting up and going for a walk can help bring you out of the slump. If you’ve been sitting in the same position for a while, it can be helpful to switch up your scenery.

Changing your environment forces you to notice your surroundings and can help refocus your attention. And walking around might not make you work up a sweat, but it will get the blood flowing to all parts of your body.

If you’re short on time but need to get your head in the game, a quick walk is the perfect solution.

Cardio kick start

Once you’ve gotten warmed up with a light walk, you can kick things up a notch with a few light cardio exercises. Doing more vigorous exercise helps increase the blood flow even more. When your blood circulates, it helps bring oxygen throughout your body to help you feel more alert. 

Jumping jacks and butt kickers are a couple great options. You can also try jump roping, even if you don’t actually have a jump rope. You can simply jump up and down and twist your wrists to simulate the same motion. 

If you’re looking for something with a little less impact, try marching in place or throwing a few air punches. If you have sensitive knees or downstairs neighbors, even a low-impact cardio burst can really make you feel energized. 

Use your body weight 

If you’re not into cardio, there are some other ways to get the blood pumping. Try squats for the lower body to give you a boost that also works your booty. Just be sure to keep your back flat and your knees behind your toes. 

If you’ve got some floor space and want an upper body workout, try some push ups on the floor, with or without push up bars. If you’re tight on space, wall push ups can be another great option for your arms and shoulders.

You don’t have to do these exercises until you feel exhausted. Just a couple short sets should be sufficient. The goal isn’t to build serious muscle, it’s to get the blood moving to all parts of your body. 

Stretch it out

If you can’t make time for anything else on this list, then at least try a few stretches. Much like the other exercises already listed, stretching can help increase blood flow. Stretching also forces you to move your body out of your normal positions and helps break you out of your rut. 

Start at the top by rolling your head in clockwise and counterclockwise circles. If you’re working at a desk, then you’re probably holding a lot of tension in your shoulders. Start with head circles, then circle your shoulders forwards and backwards to help release some of that stress.

As you move down the body, interlace your fingers and lift your arms overhead, as well as in front of you. Cross a straight arm over your chest, then switch sides.

For your midsection, do a few twists to either side. It can also be helpful to stand up, then fold in half and slowly come up as if you’re stacking each bone in your back on top of the next. This fold can also help stretch the back of your legs.

We all experience our days differently, but we can all relate to that dreaded mid-day slump. No matter what you’re doing, whether you’re on your feet all day, working at a desk, or some mix of the two, the afternoon can hit you hard.

The most important thing to remember during these slumps is that a change in attitude can bring a change in energy. You can choose to fall into that energy drain, or you can pull yourself out with a few of these exercises and make the most of your day.

Brian at Home Gym Strength



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